P.S Lip Liner and Lip Crayon Review and SWATCHES (Primark Brand)
So a while back whilst browsing through Primark as one does, I discovered that they actually have their own makeup line called 'P.S'! Im not sure how I wasn't aware of this but I always seem to just walk past the area where the makeup, perfume and lashes are without even glancing...
After discovering this, I brought the P.S Lip Crayon in the shade 'Nude' and the Lip Pencil also in the shade 'Nude'. Honestly I thought these two products were going to be appalling, I thought that they weren't going to be pigmented at all and that they would totally dry my lips out, but I was so wrong!
I am so surprised with how wonderful the Lip Crayon is, I have worn is almost every single day since I bought it because it is such a natural colour that you can almost wear it with any 'makeup look'. Also, using these two products together I find it easier than usual to slightly overline my lips to make them appear larger.
And the best part is that the Lip Crayon only cost £2.00 and the Lip Pencil cost £1.00, now for that price this products are truly incredible and are a must-have!
These are the two products swatched next to each other, Lip Crayon on top and the Lip Pencil underneath.
P.S Lip Crayon in the shade 'Nude'
Until next time,
I struggle with lip liners, Im so excited to try these. x
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