Our breastfeeding journey so far... six months in!

 Hello, welcome! 

Chances are that if you are here then you will be aware that this week is World Breastfeeding Week and it just so happens that it has fallen on the week when Freddie is turning six months old too (How has that happened?!) 

I thought I would write a whole post about our feeding journey so far... including the struggles, our favorite products (links below), and everything in between. 

Freddie is my second child however this has been my first breastfeeding/pumping journey because when I had Maci I chose to not breastfeed (and that's ok!) but this time round I knew from early on in my pregnancy that I wanted to attempt to feed Freddie. I did a lot of research of my own and spoke to whoever I could find in *real* life that had breastfed and bombarded them with questions. My pregnancy was very turbulent and I was considered high risk after my traumatic birth with Maci which I think was another factor in wanting to breastfeed. I had already felt like my body couldn't manage pregnancy very well so I wanted to try to breastfeed. 

I began pumping a few weeks before Freddie was actually born (he was born at 36+3 weeks) and this was for a few reasons - I was already producing milk so I chose to save my milk by just hand expressing into syringes which we actually ended up using once Freddie was born. There are many mixed opinions about inducing lactation before your baby is born however I was already 'leaking' milk so I collected that. 

When we had the shock that Freddie was coming premature it meant that my body wasn't ready... my milk did not 'come in' until about day two or three. This meant that for the first few days, Freddie had a combination of my previously expressed colostrum, formula, and donor milk from the hospital's milk bank. I had never even heard of a milk bank but I was so grateful for it in those first few days. Milk banks always prioritize the babies in the neonatal unit as they aren't given formula milk only donated breast milk. 

A few days after Freddie was born my milk finally came in and I was certain that I was going to pump every three hours and then feed him from a bottle. I managed this for a few weeks and let me tell you, pumping is intense. Whilst in the hospital we received some help from the lovely peer support breastfeeding volunteers in the hospital because Freddie's latch was slightly wrong and I had no idea how to position him whilst feeding but we soon got into the swing of things and now I can feed him whilst walking and doing multiple things! 

I soon realized that express feeding wasn't for me and I switched to 99% of the time nursing. It meant that I didn't have the hassle of cleaning pumps and bottles. 

Luckily our feeding journey has been fairly straightforward once we got into the rhythm of it (after those first few weeks where you have no clue what you're doing!) I have only had one stint of mastitis which luckily I caught it very early and was given antibiotics. 

We are now six months into our feeding journey and I definitely do not see it ending anytime soon. I really enjoy breastfeeding and Freddie finds great comfort in it. It really has been incredible to see what my body can do and how it can grow and nurture my little boy. Breastfeeding really has impacted my life in more ways than I can list, I have become so passionate about normalizing it and helping support others. I have recently enquired about doing a peer supporter course to help run breastfeeding groups in my local community and hopefully eventually volunteer in hospitals to help new mummies who are embarking on their very own feeding journeys. 

  • Products that have really helped me throughout our feeding journey. 

Juno Jack's (Frankie dress - Gifted)

If you follow me on my socials you would have seen many Juno Jack's products photographed... I absolutely love them. They produce breastfeeding-friendly clothing and are a UK-based small business. They have recently added the beautiful Frankie smock nursing dress to their collection and I am obsessed. I have very kindly been sent a 'Frankie' dress and I'm so excited to share the images and reel with you all over on Instagram. 

Nursing in public wearing Florence breastfeeding dress

Momcozy S12 Pro Pumps

Having an older child and a slightly chaotic life meant that I knew I would not have loads of time to sit pumping. I came across the Momcozy pumps on Tiktok and instantly knew they would be super handy. I personally thought they were quite affordable considering many 'hands-free' pumps are hundreds of pounds. The S12 Pro pumps have a display screen that shows you how many minutes you have been pumping and automatically turns off after thirty minutes. 

Nanobebe milk storage bags

Before this journey, I presumed all milk storage bags were somewhat the same... oh how I was wrong! The Nanobebe milk storage bags come with a plastic 'holder' that keeps them nice and tidy in your freezer. The bags themselves are thick and really nice quality. 

This one is pretty straightforward... 

Hakka manual pump

I heard about the Hakka pumps at a local breastfeeding group and it has become an essential item. I use my Hakka almost daily to help catch any 'let down' or if Freddie goes slightly longer without a feed and I feel slightly full. The Hakka is easier to clean than the Momcozy pumps and is a lot smaller in size meaning you can keep it in your handbag or changing bag easily. 

Breast pads

I do not tend to wear breast pads often anymore as my supply has stabilized however in the early days they were a must-have! The ones linked above were what I used and I never had any leaks. 

I will be sharing more on our nursing journey so keep an eye out for those posts in the upcoming months. 

Thank you for reading!





How are you? It's been a while but I have been itching to start blogging again. I get such enjoyment out of the escapism that writing gives me. It allows me to share my feelings, thoughts, and everything else in between without any judgment (well, the comment section is always open...)

I am now twenty-four years old, I have a little boy called Freddie who is five months old, a lovely fiancĂ© and of course, Maci is doing really well and she started primary school last year. 

I have a few posts planned and I can't wait to get creating again for you all. As always if there is anything you would like to see from me then please let me know either below in the comments or on my socials. 

What to expect - 

  • Quick and simple makeup routine
  • Craft ideas to do at home
  • Weaning essentials
  • My breastfeeding experience so far
  • Dealing with Hyperemesis again

Here's to the next chapter. 


AD - Big Girl Room Transformation!


Long time no speak. Life has been kind of crazy over here with various different things. I hope you are all well and are enjoying the fact that the world is slowly opening back up.

Maci has just turned three and I decided that for her main birthday present I wanted to redecorate her bedroom so that it would be a 'big girl' room instead of a nursery/toddler room. I feel like if you're a parent you will fully understand what I mean by this. I knew that I wanted to keep roughly the same colour palette as before so it flowed throughout the house (pink, white and grey) however I wanted to add a dinosaur theme as Maci is currently obsessed. Another big change is that Maci has now gone from a toddler bed to a single bed which she has reacted very well too.

I was kindly gifted this beautiful canvas for the bedroom wall which fits the colour scheme perfectly (meaning that if Maci decides when she is older she no longer would like it in her room it could go in another room without an issue) I also fell in love with the design, its a mixture of being stunning artwork and educational due to the fact it is a map and included landmarks, animals etc. The canvas came 'flat packed' but was extremely easy to assemble following the instructions provided.

Photowall sweden have a large selection of wallpapers, prints and posters and the ability to use your own images to create something beautiful and unique for your home.

If you are wanting to purchase from Photowall Sweden they have also kindly given me a discount code for you to use to receive 25% off of your order - stormsblog25


Until next time,


Three Years Later - What I would tell my eighteen year old self.

 Throwback to the 10th October 2017, the day I took a pregnancy stick unaware that two lines would appear. The day that would change my life forever and the day I realised I was going to be someone's mummy at only eighteen/nineteen years old. 

Three years later a lot has changed, I have learnt a lot about people, parenting and life in general so I thought why not compile it into a post that may help someone who may find themselves in the position I was in three years prior.


When you become a parent, not only do you meet a brand new person in the child you have birthed but you will also meet a whole new version of yourself - This for me took a long time to adjust too. Before having children you are rightfully selfish and once you have a child that soon changes. Simple things like just popping for a shower to wash your hair can feel like a mammoth task whereas before it was a simple task. It took me ages to find the 'new/old me' after having Maci and truthfully I don't think I have fully found her yet and I am writing this three years after finding out I was pregnant. It takes time, don't be so hard on yourself.

 You will realise who your true friends are - When you are pregnant and have a baby it will become apparent who your 'true friends' are. This was another one that I found hard to adjust too. Friends who you think will always be there for you and who say that they can't wait to be an 'auntie'/'uncle' will soon vanish. Now this can't be said for all of them, a select few will stay around and support you throughout this tough time and will love your child like their own and of course you will meet other parents along the way which you will call your friends so don't be too disheartened. People change and that's ok


Your idea of the 'perfect family' may change - Now for me when I found out I was pregnant I was so excited to raise Maci with someone and to share the experience becoming parents, but sometimes things don't always go to plan and individuals don't turn out to be who you once thought they were and that's okay. This for me is one of the biggest lessons I have had to learn. Sometimes people's intentions are completely wrong and they simply don't want the same thing as you. This does not degrade you as a person or as a mother as long as you do all you can every day for your daughter. Although if you do find yourself in a dramatically different situation than what you once thought, don't forget that it is perfectly normal to 'grieve' what you thought you initially wanted. There is absolutely no shame in being a single parent. Now if someone asks me what my idea of the 'perfect family' is I simply say, 'whatever you are content with'. For me, three years later, that is myself, Maci and Peggy and I wouldn't have it any other way.

 Things that seem like a big issue right now, won't be in years time - Now I think this stands for most things throughout life but I think we sometimes forget it. It is so easy to get consumed by things that seem like a massive issue in the now but you have to ask yourself, will it matter it in a year or two? You don't want to spend your time being consumed by worries, especially when you're a new parent who is trying to find their feet in your new role. Take each day as it comes... 

 Finally, I would like to say to my 2017 self that things will be tough over the next few years. You will have days where it will seem impossible but trust me, things will fall into place. You will survive the Hyperemesis Gravidarum, you will give birth to a beautiful girl who will become your best friend, you will get help to cope with the traumatic birth, relationships will break down but you will flourish from the crappy situation, you will move into a beautiful home and you will continue to raise Maci by yourself and you should be so incredibly proud of yourself and the little girl that you helping to grow every day. 

Until next time,  



Having some 'self care' time! - AD Trenza Braidbar Southampton


For those of you who are parents you will know how tough it is to get some very important 'self care' time. Recently I was invited along to Trenza Braidbar in West Quay, Southampton and safe to say I jumped at the chance to actually be able to sit down for a while, child free and have my hair transformed into an amazing creation. I certainly was not disappointed. 

It is important to note that Trenza Braidbar do not just do 'crazy and colourful' creations but they do also do natural braids but for me, I wanted to try something a bit out of my comfort zone hence the vibrant masterpiece that Nicole created for me. Trenza also have a mother and daughter package for those of you who have older little ones who would enjoy having their hair braided.

You can find Trenza Braidbar near the Apple Store in West Quay, Southampton.

So next time you have some spare time, why not book in with Trenza Braidbar. It is truly incredibly how confident I felt whilst having my hair in this bubble braid, I instantly wanted to have a photoshoot!

Massive thank you to the lovely ladies at Trenza for making me feel so comfortable and allowing me some much needed 'me time'.

Until next time,

