My Top Teething Essentials
Teething... it's a daunting word isn't it.
Before very recently I had no idea about what products were available to help with the 'teething process' or even what to do with them!
When you become a parent you expect to have to learn new things but you don't expect you will have to deal with teething until around 6 months, Maci began showing signs of teething at around 2 months old and it is only now you can distinctly see her two bottom teeth that have come through but she has more on the way...
Here are a list of my top teething essentials... they have made this experience a little easier for Maci and I so I hope that these items can help you too.
Amber teething bracelet
When I first asked on my instagram about what everyone suggested for teething products I had so many replies suggesting these and I must admit I was very sceptical. Although coming from a Beauty Therapy & Holistic background I knew the powers of natural crystals so I figured I would give it a go and I wasn't disappointed. Maci wears this 24/7 even when she isn't showing signs of teething but I personally believe this made a difference.
(When you purchase Amber Teething Bracelet/Necklaces always make sure they come with an authenticity booklet or certificate)
Sophie La Girafe
Sophie is an 100% rubber teething toy. The giraffe shape means that even babies as small as 3 months can hold onto her legs and neck. Sophie also squeaks providing an entertainment aspect to keep the baby entertained. These toys can also be sterilized.
You can find more information here - Official Homepage UK
I feel like this is one of the most important items on this post because Calpol is a must-have in a babies changing bag (teething or not!)
Calpol can be taken from 2 months old (or the appropriate weight) and babies can take up to 2.5ml every 4 hours.
Calpol works perfectly alongside all the other products on this list, I kept the calpol for when Maci was being very grumpy and then I would give it to her in her bottle.
Brush-Baby Teething Wipes
I only discovered these a few weeks ago and they aren't the most effective things although I feel like they provide some comfort and relief. These Bush-baby teething wipes slide onto your finger (almost like a finger toothbrush) and then you peel off one side to expose a camomile paste which you then rub onto your babies gums.
These can be used from 0-16 months.
And last but no means least...
Dentinox Teething Gel
This product is INCREDIBLE! Dentinox is well known for its great products but this one tops the charts for me. You simply pop a small amount onto your finger and rub it into your babies gums to allow instant comfort. You can repeat this step every 20 minutes if needed.
Dentinox Teething Gel contains active ingredients lidocaine and cetylpyridinium.
So those are my top teething essentials, I hope if you're struggling with a teething baby or toddler these products help you.
If you have a favourite teething product that I have not mentioned please share it in the comments!
Until next time,
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