What 2016 Has Taught Me...
I have decided that it would be a good idea to finish this fairly awful year off with a blog post all about what I have learnt during these 365 days.
Many people on the internet are relating 2016 to death and yes, many big celebrities and idols have passed away this year but I dont believe you can associate a whole entire year with death because many things have happened this year, despite it being good or bad. Everyone will have their own personal view on 2016 and what it has taught them but only some of us will be brave enough to write this down and post it on the internet for potentially thousands of people to read and cast their own views upon.
So the first major thing I have learnt this year would be that something you have to step out of your comfort zone, now this can apply to hundreds of different situations. For me this year I have found myself a new job, started a new college, met new people who I now call my friends and one major thing for me is that now I can go up to a bar and order food myself, as silly as this may sound I have always had a fear of this, despite the fact I spend all day at work talking to strangers for some reason ordering food at a bar has always terrified me, well I can happily say that this no longer bothers me thanks to my persistent and patient boyfriend.
The second thing that I have learnt this year is that something you simply 'outgrow' people... there may be people that you have been friends with for years that you haven't seen in a while and then when you do meet up again you realise you have simply grown apart and that is ok. It took me a while to accept this but everyone grows with their own individual experiences and they are what makes everyone unique, so its ok.
Third thing I have learnt this year is sometimes you have to stick something out, when we first try something it is almost certain that we wont be amazing at our first attempt and lets be honest sometimes it seems like it would be easier to 'throw in the towel' and walk away never to attempt it again, but this isn't the answer. If you never attempt anything new, you won't grow as a person and achieve new things that you thought you never would and believe me, when you achieve these things it is the greatest feeling ever.
Spend less time on social media... I know its ironic because you're reading this on a phone or laptop but trust me when I say, you'll feel better for not comparing yourself to photoshopped, gym going, unrealistic people. Being a blogger it is difficult to avoid comparing myself to others but I am happy with what I've got which is the main thing. Spending hours scrolling through Instagram comparing yourself and your life to others 'lives' will not do you any good.
And finally another big thing that I have learnt during these 365 days are that patience is everything but if you want something then go and do it, don't wait around for someone to 'lend you a hand. Inside everyone is a strong independent person that can achieve their dreams and goals.
I never thought a year ago I would be doing a job that I love, making plans to move into a home with a person I love dearly and being simply satisfied with life.
Until next time,
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